Chasers of the Light


Let me start off by saying that Tyler Knott Gregson is my absolute favorite artist, so this post will be dripping with bias. I’ve been following his work for at least 7 years now. Keeping up with his daily haikus and stunning photography brings me such joy. Plus, he’s constantly representing charities for incredibly amazing causes, and he’s a Buddhist AND he’s pretty damn gorgeous. Seriously, if I wasn’t already married I’d be moving to Montana to try to meet this man!

On Sunday I went to a Secret Santa gift exchange and was overjoyed to discover that my gift was his 1st book. I read it from cover to cover that same night. Then the next day I reread it, adding post it notes along the way describing all the marvelous emotions that arose with each page. Tyler perfectly described feelings that I’ve never been able to put into words. While reading I smiled a whole lot, and my husband can attest I even cried a little. Within the pages of one book there was hope, resilience, strength, wonder, appreciation, adventure, compassion, wisdom, lust, and life. He made me feel significant in the infinite. I highly recommend the book, or following his instagram page. Finally, I’d like to share one of my favorite poems from this book:

I will love. More. So much love that no one will have any idea what to do with me. They will watch with a confused look and wonder why I give so much and do not ask for more in return. I will give it because giving is getting and there is nothing quite so important as emptying your heart every single day and leaving nothing undone, no declarations of it unsaid.

I will not only stop and smell the flowers, I will plant them myself and watch them grow old with me. I will pull over and dance in every single rainfall, and I will make snow angels even when there is hardly any snow left for the wings.

I will never, ever believe in the words “too late” because it is never too late to be exactly who you wish, do exactly what you should , say exactly what needs to be heard, and live the exact life you should be living.

The Last Bookstore


Last night I finally got to visit The Last Bookstore in Downtown Los Angeles. I originally went downtown to attend this month’s LA Art Walk, but since it started raining I ended up spending most of my time here. I was so excited to walk through the upstairs “maze” and take all of the book lover’s obligatory photos, such as this one. Well worth a visit if you’re near Los Angeles!